En cette année, V&E ART va participer aux 3 Foires d’art avec YIA International Art Fair. La première sera dans la semaine de FIAC , le 17-20 Octobre 2019. Nous vous présentons 2 excellents artistes venant de Taiwan et Japon – Gary TU et Yumi...

Art expo New York – Yi An WANG

年輕藝術家王苡安以瘟疫為創作發想,將動物、病毒以及對環境的衝擊,透過作品去闡述人與人、大自然、以及時事疫情的關注。 The young artist Yi An WANG created her work -『The plague』to present the impact from animals and virus to environments, in order to describe the artiste’s concerns about relationships between humain beings,...

Jie YU- Endless// Artexpo New York

The series “La Terre” brings together a dozen paintings of mixed materials that represent the real landscapes and landscapes imagined by the artist. The inspirations come from the cities where the artist lived and the lands in his imagination and his dreams. The...


Luce COUILLET 2012巴黎設計大獎(le Grand Prix de la Création de la ville de Paris)得主。 生於1985年,於法國漢斯的ESAD從事產品設計研究,隨後專注於巴黎ENSCI的紡織品創作。 致力於材料、織品上面的美學創作,與瑞士工作室CréationBaumann合作後再2011年成立了自己的工作室。 嘗試以各種纖維,創作出不同的編織技法,可以沿用在不同領域,如高級訂製、室內設計、運動與醫療用品等等...

Fleurs Rouges – Yen Fu KUO

Yen Fu KUO likes to observe the relationship between the place and our existence during the trip. Sometimes it is just a twilight, a corner of the street, a cloud, They can give travel vitality, shortly and powerfully. He is very fascinated by the little things. The...