YIA#01 – 鄭崇孝 Chong Xiao ZHENG

鄭崇孝,油畫藝術家,1988年出生於台北。以「摹寫」、「改造」為主要創作概念,挪用中國或者西方經典藝術名作之元素,並安排人物「嘟嘴男孩」生活於其中,進而重塑成反映當代生活景況新作,並利用這人形符號勾勒出畫面的敘事性跟趣味性;其後,鄭崇孝逐步將系列創作的「重製」素材延伸,從攝影作品、垃圾場回收畫布,至近期的中國古代山水之作,帶給觀眾視覺豐富的體驗。2017曾在台北市立美術館舉辦個展<嘟嘴男孩:重製計劃>。 Zheng Chong-Xiao, painter, 1988 born in Taipei。 With the...

How prestigious the YIA Art Fair is?

Founded in 2010, P/CAS – PARIS CONTEMPORARY ART SHOW by YIA Art Fair – is a special event in the contemporary art world, which plays an important part in providing opportunities for galleries, collectors, artists, art professionals and art lovers to establish new...


  En cette année, V&E ART va participer aux 3 Foires d’art avec YIA International Art Fair. La première sera dans la semaine de FIAC , le 17-20 Octobre 2019. Nous vous présentons 2 excellents artistes venant de Taiwan et Japon – Gary TU et Yumi...

Artexpo New York-Deng Hong CAO

-Thriving with no spring coming, Deng-Hong Cao One vigorous hare that break through the paintings of predecessors – Just like the artist himself, who explored the world with his artistic ideal and enthusiasm, proudly and ambitiously, in dedicating to make a...

Art expo New York – Yi An WANG

年輕藝術家王苡安以瘟疫為創作發想,將動物、病毒以及對環境的衝擊,透過作品去闡述人與人、大自然、以及時事疫情的關注。 The young artist Yi An WANG created her work -『The plague』to present the impact from animals and virus to environments, in order to describe the artiste’s concerns about relationships between humain beings,...

Art expo New York- NK CHEN

David Island-These series talk about the artist’s life and experience last year. She faced her friends and families’ leavings from her life, then finally found the inner peace through the lead of God. She hopes that people can feel peace and love from the...