Nicolas LEFEUVRE-Land(e)scapes 離島

法國藝術家Nicolas LEFEUVRE的「離島」系列 Land(e)scapes,由幾年前的作品「狀態1」作為延伸,利用墨水、鈷、藍染、金漆等元素,將他待在亞洲的這幾年中,所經歷過的文化、生活習慣、城市調性等等,以藝術家語彙來呈現。 亞洲的城市,人口、氣候、龐大的資訊量等等,使得他更加敏銳,在這些過程裡,他的五感更加敏銳,彷彿失重般,在城市中漂移,「逃離」的想法逐漸在他腦海中佔領他的身心,將他拖向未知的黑洞。 「離島」系列是他的狀態的問答,該逃離紛擾的世界抑或向未知的未來前進?...

Fleurs Rouges – Yen Fu KUO

Yen Fu KUO likes to observe the relationship between the place and our existence during the trip. Sometimes it is just a twilight, a corner of the street, a cloud, They can give travel vitality, shortly and powerfully. He is very fascinated by the little things. The...

Rotten Heart by Ching-Chich WU

Ching-Chih WU being a residence artist in Sculpture studio at Anderson Ranch Art Center in 2013 and Artist resident at Glasgow School of art 2014-2015 . Working in the field of metalwork, sculpture and enamel jewelry design. From the school he hold many solo...