“My creativity is originated from the people I have met, the books I have read, the movies I have never forgotten, the local dishes or the Michelin cuisine, the foreign lives, the city I’ve been through… All feelings and experience in my live are my source of imagination.” – Page TSOU
October 24-28, 2019
Le Rivoli Building – 118 Rue de Rivoli,75001, PARIS
Opening: October 24, 12pm
V&E ART Stand: N1
身兼策展人及插畫家,大學主修國畫與設計,役畢後前往英國皇家藝術學院學習平面設計和視覺藝術,畢業時被法國時尚雜誌《WAD》評選為最傑出新銳之一。近年來,鄒駿昇持續個人繪畫創作,作品經常受邀於國內外展出,此外,細膩、典雅、詼諧的風格亦獲得 Gucci、Montblanc、Johnnie Walker 等品牌青睞,合作推出藝術創作。2016 年受邀負責策辦台北設計之都的國際設計展;2017 年波隆那兒童書展「拉加茲童書獎」年度特別主題「藝術童書」(Children’s Books on Art)評審特別推薦獎,並於西班牙馬德里 ABC 美術館(Museo ABC)舉行個人國際巡迴展「Hide and Seek」。
Taiwanese curator and illustrator, was majored in Chinese painting and design in university. After that, he went to the Royal College of Art in London to study graphic design and visual art. After graduation, he was rated as one of the Most Outstanding New Talents by the French fashion magazine WAD. His works are often invited to exhibit internationally. In addition, the delicate, elegant and witty style of his works has also been favored by brands such as Gucci, Montblanc and Johnnie Walker. In 2016, he was invited to be responsible for the Visual Taipei exhibition of World Design Capital; In 2017, he won the BolognaRagazzi Award, and also held a solo exhibition “Hide and Seek” at the Museo ABC in Madrid.
2010年鄒駿昇應美國雕塑藝術家 Ray King 的邀請,參與 Ray King 在新北市蘆洲捷運站所進行的公共藝術作品設置計畫。他以平面繪畫的形式傳達公共藝術作品的概念。2011年鄒又以《舞之羽》的插畫作品,參加該年度的義大利波隆納插畫展,一舉奪得首獎,接著拿下美國3X3當代插畫展全場大獎,成為國際插畫界備受矚目的新秀,此系列成為藝術家創作的重要里程碑。
In 2010, Tsou participated in the public installation art project in the Taipei Metro Station which is invited by American sculptor Ray King. In 2011, Tsou participated in the Bologna Illustrator Exhibition of Italy in the year with his series paintings “Dance of Feather” and won the first prize and then selected as the best of show in the 3X3 Professional show of Contemporary Illustration in America. As a prospect, this series has become an important milestone in the creation of artists.
Jury: “Within his refined works, the subtle beauty of traditional graphic drawing narrates the story behind it. The exhibited works welcome people to explore the world drew by the artist with his emotional and personal perspective.”
鄒駿昇的作品向來以細膩的畫風及豐富的故事性著稱,他喜歡在畫面中植入各種圖像線索,藉以傳達某種特殊的訊息但又給予讀者自由詮釋的可能性。例如在《舞之羽》那座陰暗、陳舊的城市中,到處張貼、懸掛的廣告招牌及海報暗示了這座城市的歷史脈絡;代表威權統治的「老大哥」(Big Brother)及史達林的鬍子,加深了城市陰沉、保守的印象。同樣地,插在魔術師帽子上的羽毛,無疑是象徵了藝術的想像力與創造力,但它同時也可以是驅走黑暗的陽光、催人入夢的搖籃曲、或是一杯令人舒緩的好茶。在英國倫敦學習、生活的經驗,讓鄒駿昇非常了解是什麼能讓我們的生活與城市變得更豐富、更美好。
Tsou’s works have always been known for his delicate style and rich storys. He likes to embed various graphics in the paintings as the clues to convey a special message but also offer the readers the possibility of free interpretation. For example, in the dark, old city of Dance Feather, advertisements and posters posted and hanged everywhere suggest the historical context of the city; The figure of Big Brother and Stalin’s beard representing authoritarian rule, it has deepened the impression of a gloomy and conservative city. Similarly, the feathers inserted in the magician’s hat undoubtedly symbolize the imagination and creativity of art, but it can also be the darkness who drives out the sun, a lullaby that evokes dreams, or a soothing nice tea. Lifes and experience in London, England, let Tsou knows very well what makes our life and city richer and better.
Artists try to reaches every possibility of various fields. He does not limit himself. In addition to painting, he also participates in space design and to do many different types of cases. He explained, “Everything I do is making choices. After many attempts, I will make my creation more precise.” Regarding art, for him at this stage, it is only part of life, because art always comes from life. In order to live a good life and make a good art, start by enjoying every moment of choice.

2019 美國 Correll Book Awards / winner
2017 義大利波隆那 拉加茲獎 藝術類評審特別獎
2016 義大利波隆納插畫展入圍
2015 美國 American Illustration 34
2015 英國 插畫家協會 AOI / finalist
2015 美國 3×3 當代插畫藝術競賽繪本類 / 金獎 gold
2014 美國 3×3 當代插畫藝術競賽 / 優選
2014 Shopping Design / Best 100 年度創作者
2012 美國 American Illustration 31
2011 美國 3×3 當代插畫藝術競賽 / 全場大獎 best of show
2011 義大利波隆那插畫展 SM國際插畫大獎 / 首獎
2011 波蘭 Vidical 國際月曆設計比賽 / 銅獎
2011 美國 Communication Arts 52
2010 澳洲 Semi Permanent
2010 義大利波隆那插畫獎
2012 作品收錄於 德國 gestalten 出版 I l lust rat o rs Unl imi ted,
2012 西班牙 SM 出版《勇敢的小錫兵》繪本
2012 作品收錄於 德國 gestalten 出版 Little Big Book
2013 台北市立美術館合作出版 繪本《禮物》
2013 作品收錄於日本 Pie Books 出版 Next Generat ion In Asia Creat ive
2014 作品收錄 於德國 gestalten 出版, V isual Fami l ies
2015 台北建城 130 週年繪本《軌跡》
2016 與英國出版社 Templar 合作原文書《Highest Mountain, Deepest Ocean》
2018 與英國出版社 Templar 合作原文書《Tallest Tower, Smallest Star》
2019 啓示的起始 個展 學學文創 台北
2019 Le immagini della fantasia 35 聯展 義大利
2018 西班牙 Caixaforum 當代美術館 聯展
2017 西班牙 ABC Museum 個展
2016 波隆那插畫展 義大利 日本 中國
2014 page magazine 個展 台灣創意中心
2014 禮物個展 台北市立美術館
2014 波隆那國際插畫展 義大利 日本
2013 台北藝術博覽會
2012 Page Tsou x Herman miller 個展 台北
2012 波隆納國際插畫展 義大利 東京 高雄駁二
2011 國際設計三年展 國家博物館 北京
2011 西班牙版畫博覽會 馬德里
2011 70 80 台灣新生代設計人展 北京、深圳、成都、杭州、廈門、西安
2011 The And 個展 LAVA Gallery 倫敦 英國
2011 Encoded Systems 聯展 Four Corners Gallery 倫敦 英國
2010 The And 個展 Badlambs 倫敦 英國
2010 Vidical 聯展 海報博物館 華沙 波蘭
2010 英國插畫協會插畫聯展 LCC 倫敦 英國
2009 Illustrative 國際插畫聯展 柏林 德國
2009 MAP Making 錄像藝術展 倫敦 英國
2009 台北美術獎 台北市立美術館 台北
2008 台灣國際版畫雙年展 國立美術館 台中
其他經歷 :
2019 台灣波隆那 30 年策展人
2017 台北世界設計之都 Visual Taipei 策展人
2015 獲法國文化協會邀請至巴黎西堤藝術村(Cité internationale des Arts)駐村