Zheng Chong-Xiao, painter, 1988 born in Taipei。 With the concepts of “imitation” and “transformation,” Zheng makes use of the classical elements in both Chinese and Western arts and add the character “Pouting Boy” in the composition to reflect the contemporary life in nowadays. After that, Zheng keeps exploring his material for reproduction, from photograph to recycled canvas, and even the traditional Chinese landscape painting in his latest series. All the elements of reproduction enrich the visual experience. In 2017, he had his solo exhibition <Pouting Boy: Reproduction Plan> in Taipei Fine Arts Museum.
In the process of trying to recreate Chinese ancient paintings, Zheng mainly used Chinese literati landscape paintings, first through the watercolor experiment, and then studied the Manual of the Mustard Seed Garden, and then finish the oil painting in Japanese comic and animation style. Zheng believes that the concept of abstract, and literati temperament in Chinese landscape paintings has a great gap with the aesthetic experience in our lives today. Therefore, now he stacks the texture of the mountains with color blocks and then draws the layers of thick green leaves, trying to reproduce Chinese landscape painting through comic style, in order to find a balance between beauty and ancient times in production.
He converted his image into a self-portrait “Pouting Boy “, who traveled in the paintings and replaced the ancient figures, and he has intervened in ancient landscapes by the elements of the technology and energy as the theme, therefore, the traditional literati thinking such as the natural exploration and meditations are transformed into a familiar video game style of the younger generation, which creates a sense of multiple conflicts in the picture, and also provides a new visual experience in which the viewer projects himself as a natural “guardian.”
Zheng, who grew up in the Industrial Zone, was deeply shocked by the coexistence of the ecological green park and polluting factories along the riverside. Therefore, in the composition of his artworks, the theme of nature, environmental protection, energy, etc. is a major part of it, and attempt to seek a balance between technology and ecology in time and space. His works also pay special attention to the relationship between human beings, machines and the environment, and his narrative approach is leading the viewers to travel in the mountains and waters in his works, to figure out the possibility of future civilization development and environmental symbiosis.

學歷 Education
2014 國立臺灣藝術大學美術系
Graduated from Department of Fine Art,
Nation Taiwan University of Arts, Taipei, Taiwan, BFA
2019. 國立台灣藝術大學美術系 碩士
Graduated from Department of Fine Art,
Nation Taiwan University of Arts, Taipei, Taiwan, MFA
獲獎 Awards
2018. 107年全國美術展 油畫類 入選
2018 National Exhibition, ROC Oil painting
2018 2018 高雄獎 油畫類 入選
2018 Kaohsiung Award, Oil painting
2017 2017 文化部MIT新人特區
2017 Made In Taiwan
2016 2016臺灣美術新貌展 入選
The 2016 Taiwan Emerging Art Awards
2015 第13屆桃源創作獎 入選
The 13th Taoyuan Contemporary Art Award
2013 2013台北美術獎 優選
2013 Taipei Art Awards, Honorable Mention
典藏 Collection
2016 105年度藝術銀行典藏
Art Bank, Taichung, Taiwan
2015 獲台北市立美術館典藏
Taipei Fine Museum, Taiwan
2015 104年度藝術銀行典藏
Art Bank, Taichung, Taiwan
個展 Solo Exhibitions
2019.8 <小芳妮>鄭崇孝個展 |台灣 台北 藝星藝術中心
<Little Bit Funny>Zheng Chong-Xiao Solo Exhibition, Star Gallery Taipei, Taiwan
2019.4. <嘟嘴男孩在西子灣> 鄭崇孝個展|台灣 高雄 中山大學蔣公行館
<Pouting Boy In Sizihwan>Zheng Chong Solo Exhibition,
, Art Center National Sun Yat-sen University ,Kaohsiung ,Taiwan
2018.8 <第三次工業革命> 鄭崇孝個展|台灣 新北 宏達國際電子總部大廳
<The Third Industrial Revolution> Zheng Chong-Xiao Solo Exhibition,
High Tech Computer Corporation headquarters hall, New Taipei, Taiwan
2018.8 <山水普拉斯> 鄭崇孝個展|台灣 台北 藝星藝術中心
<Landscape Plus> Zheng Chong-Xiao Solo Exhibition, Star Gallery Taipei, Taiwan
2017.7 <嘟嘴男孩:重製計劃> 鄭崇孝個展|台灣,台北,台北市立美術館
<Pouting Boy: Reproduction Plan> Zheng Chong-Xiao Solo Exhibition,
Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2015.9. <嘟嘴男孩> 鄭崇孝個展|台灣,新北,板橋435藝文特區
<Pouting Boy> Zheng Chong-Xiao Solo Exhibition, 435 Art Zone, New Taipei, Taiwan
2014.11. <1987> 鄭崇孝作品展|台灣,台北,水谷藝術中心
<1987> Zheng Chong-Xiao Solo Exhibition, Waley Art, Taipei, Taiwan
2013.3. <笑笑> 鄭崇孝個展|台灣,新北,板橋435藝文特區
<Big Smile> Zheng Chong-Xiao Solo Exhibition, 435 Art Zone, New Taipei, Taiwan