Founded in 2010, P/CAS – PARIS CONTEMPORARY ART SHOW by YIA Art Fair – is a special event in the contemporary art world, which plays an important part in providing opportunities for galleries, collectors, artists, art professionals and art lovers to establish new business relations and discover new art.
It has been 17 editions of successful experience in exhibiting well-known and emerging international artists. Each year, the YIA Art Fair presents more than 200 artists to different capitals of art such as Paris, Lille, Brussels, Basel, Maastricht since 2010.
During the fair, more than 20,000 visitors keen on contemporary art will be invited (collectors, journalists, curators, artists, professionals, and art lovers) to appreciate the quality and artistic diversity of the fair, which is definitely how YIA is so important for the market to share the art of talented artists to the public.
With the globalization of the art market, the influential Art Fairs will be one of the major approaches for all the art-lover to reach their future collection. YIA has a great history to show the collectors the quality of the fine art should be, and they will be doing more with no doubt.
成立於2010年,由YIA Art Fair舉辦的P/CAS – PARIS CONTEMPORARY ART SHOW是當代藝術界的一項重要活動。主辦方YIA Art Fair也扮演著當代藝術市場上的關鍵腳色,透過每年提供畫廊,藝術收藏家,藝術家和藝術專業人士一個平台去共同開創藝術市場上嶄新機會。
具有17年成功經驗的YIA Art Fair,自2010年以來,曾在巴黎,里爾,布魯塞爾,巴塞爾,馬斯特里赫特等藝術之都,每年展出超過200名來自世界各地的知名與新興藝術家。